Student loans are some of the best financial tools for students to fund their education. They are great if you don’t have the money to pay for college but still want to earn a degree. Student loans are usually less expensive than other forms of loans. However, life is not always that smooth, and some…
The U.S. is undoubtedly one of the best countries where you can pursue your MBA. Many top business schools offer high-quality education and help students explore their full potential. Studying in the U.S. is like a dream come true as students get the opportunity to learn with the best brains of this nation who have…
In a world where the competition is increasingly fierce, it’s no wonder that scholarships are in high demand. In fact, for international students who have to pay higher tuition fees than their local counterparts, it can be a life-changing opportunity. Fortunately, there are many scholarship opportunities available to today’s international students. This article will cover…
Private student loans make up 7.80% of the total outstanding student loan in the USA. That is more than $130 billion. Private student loans are some of the most useful financial tools that help students pay for their education, especially when traditional financial aid is not sufficient. A private student loan is a great alternative…
International students often struggle to pay for their education. From high tuition fees to living expenses, international students have to pay a lot of money. And not everyone qualifies for financial aid or scholarships. So, if you are an international student, having an international credit card is a must. International student credit cards allow students…
Are you an international student in the U.S. or Canada? You can now borrow up to $100,000 for your studies from MPOWER Financing! That’s a lot of money that will help you pay for tuition, housing and other expenses while studying here in North America. It’s also flexible enough to cover unexpected costs like books…
As time goes by, the average student loan debt continues to rise. While students should only have to focus on their education and future, student loans are becoming a major concern for both students and their parents. From tuition fees to books, many students are spending thousands of dollars before even they become graduates. It…
Sallie Mae is a private student loan lender that can help you get the money to pay for school. And the simple answer to the question above is YES -it’s one of the largest and best regarded providers of private student loans in the U.S. and has been operating since 1973. Sallie Mae, or Sallie…
There are many reasons why study abroad is not for everyone. You need to be aware of the costs, benefits of studying at home or abroad, and the pros and cons of taking out student loans for study abroad before you can make a decision on whether or not it will work best for you….
International student financial aid is a necessity for almost all international students wishing to study abroad and often times it can’t be obtained without applying for an international student loan. Many international students, however, need a loan in addition to any awards or scholarships received. So what are these loans and how do you get…