International Student Blog

International Student Blog

Loan consolidation? Check. Benefits and process

January 21st, 2015 by International Student Loan
Loan consolidation? Check. Benefits and process

There are those of you about to enter into world of loan repayment who may have heard about this thing called loan consolidation. You think you have an idea of what it means, but just aren´t quite sure. Well don´t let the technical jargon throw you off. Here´s a nice little break down to start…

Ring in the New Year with King Abdullah!

January 8th, 2015 by Lette Berhe
Ring in the New Year with King Abdullah!

Saudi youth can start 2015 right, knowing that they can fund their entire international education as a King Abdullah Scholar. This scholarship, founded in 2005, provides students in Saudi Arabia the opportunity to attend partnering foreign universities through government sponsorship. The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Higher Education‘s  mission being to foster the professional and intellectual…

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