Deciding how you are going to pay for college is never as exciting as completing the initial applications or sifting through acceptance letters, but needless to say, it’s still an important of the college process. After other forms of funding have been paid out, loans are used to “cover the gap” and provide the extra funding…
How much should I borrow for my international student loan? Great question. Going to school overseas is a big decision and may require you to take out a student loan since it is expensive and most of us don’t have large amounts of money just laying around. But how large of a student loan can…
If you are unable to take out a loan because of no credit (that’s you, international students!) or insufficient credit history (that could be you, US students!), you will need a cosigner. Basically this person is offering their credit score and financial history to cover your lower score, or lack thereof. Luckily for you, this…
If you are a student studying overseas, then you will most likely be paying more for your education than most students. While it’s worth the experience, you may find that the expenses add up to more than what you have available. In cases like this, you may want to consider an international student loan or…
Knowing how to find an International Scholarship isn’t always easy, but don’t worry – we’re here to help. Join the Google Hangout tomorrow on International Student’s Google+ page to learn the best tips and practices for finding and winning international scholarships. Our financial aid specialist will give some good advice and then answer your questions…
Just because you have a small budget doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have some fun! As a college student, money is often tight and school work can keep you up all night – but not tonight. Since we know how hectic your life can be, we’ve created a fun list of ideas for a night out…
Want to study in the US? You’ve got to start somewhere! Join our Google Hangout to learn how to find a US school that is within your educational budget. The Hangout allows you to ask questions directly to the experts or to other students interested in the same topic. You’ll receive valuable links to resources and…
If you are planning on studying in the United States as an international student, you may need an international student loan. These loans are available only if you have a US cosigner. International students do not have a credit history in the US and so banks and lenders require a cosigner with good credit history…
If you’ve been following us on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter – or if you’ve been reading our blog – then you know something is different! This year we are excited to bring you live Hangouts to help you finance your education. Want to know about scholarships? Need help applying for student loans? Looking for guidance…
Higher education can be quite expensive and studying overseas can spread your finances very thin. So thin, in fact, that it may seems that an education abroad is almost impossible. However, instead of settling for a run-of-the-mill college experience, a good budgeting plan can get you on your way to a well-managed, financially sound…