For recent college graduates, between the celebrations, the job hunt, and just simply enjoying summer, you may have put thoughts of your student loans on the back burner. You may have remembered that your loan qualified for a grace period , but can´t remember exactly how long it was and don´t know how to enter into…
Going to college is tough. Going to college in another country is even tougher. But if that means studying in one of the best schools the U.S. has to offer, why not take the chance? Besides, most U.S. colleges are pretty accommodating of international students. Aside from the usual student support programs (like mentorships, meal…
A few months ago, we published a blog discussing how Nigerian international students were being affected by low oil prices. The drop in world prices has caused the Nigerian government to cut back on international education sponsorships. Unfortunately, it seems that the Saudi Arabian government is going down the same path and being forced to…