International Student Blog

International Student Blog

IIE´s Cuba Higher Education Initiative

November 30th, 2015 by Lette Berhe
IIE´s Cuba Higher Education Initiative

As globalization continues, so does the opportunities for international and cultural exchange. In the past month of October, The Institute of International Education participated in a historical event which allowed representatives from 12 U.S. universities to travel to Cuba to learn more about its higher education system and to explore what opportunities may exist for…

Why Study Abroad Can Now Be On Your Bucket List

May 1st, 2015 by Lette Berhe
Why Study Abroad Can Now Be On Your Bucket List

This past February, Education in Ireland joined IIE´s Generation Study Abroad Initiative and committed to providing $100,000 for the project. Ireland’s Minister of Education and Skills, Jan O´Sullivan, T.D, stated that over the past ten years Ireland has been able to welcome over 60, 000 US students; as a result, according to IIE´s Open Doors Report…

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