You’ve decided to take the plunge and study college abroad. But now you need a loan and don’t know where to begin! This simple guide will show you how to approach taking out a student loan. What to check before committing to a loan Repayment conditions. You need to ensure that you can meet…
Is a student loan worth all of the financial repercussions that follow? I know, I won’t sugarcoat it, the costs of college and studying abroad are extortionate. So, you may be asking yourself if it’s really worth taking out a student loan to cover the costs? Or, should you avoid college altogether and start working? Here’s…
For most American students taking out a loan to pay for college is a given, but many students do not consider the possibility of using the money to help them study abroad to enrich their college experience. If a study abroad program has not been on your radar, it may be time to reconsider. In…